Jackson Relocation FAQ
How can I help?
This has been the most asked question by far! Here are several suggestions:
Pray. Pray for God’s will to be done (Matthew 6:10). Pray for your pastors/leaders (1 Timothy 2:1-2; 1 Peter 5:2-3). Pray that the Lord of the harvest would send laborers in Jackson (Matthew 9:38).
Consider serving on a Sunday Serve Team HERE.
Continue faithfully giving (You can set-up recurring giving or make a one time donation HERE).
Will Second Baptist and Southpoint merge?
No, Second Baptist will dissolve.
How does this work legally?
We have legal representation and are preparing the necessary documents that will govern the specifics of the transfer.
Will the partners have a time to respond to this option and see the space?
Yes. The staff will schedule an appropriate meeting for this. If possible, we will meet at the Second Baptist site for a walk through.
Will Southpoint have a chance to vote on this?
If this progresses, yes.
Will we have a mortgage on the Second Baptist building/property?
What is the condition of the buildings? Have we made an inspection?
We have been through the space now a number of times. Our contractor has been through the space as well. The buildings are in good structural condition but do need some attention. The space is tidy and well maintained but hasn’t seen any major improvements since the 1960s or 70s. It is very much a traditional Baptist church from that time period. A real estate title exam was completed on the property and there are no concerns regarding possession or boundary disputes.
Can renovations be completed on this space before Oct 1?
At this time we are not clear on the renovation scope for this space. What we do know is that any renovations would need to be handled in a phased approach. Meaning we will determine what needs to be done first and work those in phase one. We can prioritize future renovations and add those to future phases.
Will this space make sense for Southpoint? We’re used to a modern environment.
Southpoint isn’t a building, or a lighting setup, or a vibe. Southpoint is a body of believers with a common direction of seeing those around us transformed by the Gospel of Jesus. Where we accomplish this is important but not an end all to that mission. This new space has an enormous amount of potential and could well see us through many many years of ministry in Jackson. Our Sunday gathering is going to look different regardless of where we’re meeting. As part of renovating this space we will be sensitive to our needs while maximizing our ability to impact the community. I encourage you to look at this with an open mind and heart.
What timeline does Second Baptist need for us to "close" the transaction and begin renovation plans?
Details of this are still developing.
How do we honor what's happened there and still continue our work anew?
This is a focus point for the staff and transition team. We want to handle this with care for the work the Lord has done in and through Second Baptist.
Does this new path change our intended start date in Jackson?
At the moment, no. We still intend to have our first meeting in Jackson on Oct 1.
Would this change our renovation budget?
If the Second Baptist option continues, yes. Our budget for renovations will likely increase but we have no firm numbers at this time.
What will happen to existing local ministries? (Pregnancy center, Indian creek mobile park, food pantry, thanksgiving outreach)
Our relocation will not hinder existing ministries but will only help us to broaden our outreach. For example, while we currently support the Henry County Pregnancy Resource Center (now Bridge Wellness South), we may be able to expand our support to Butts County as well. We will continue to encourage you to serve in ways that the Lord has given you opportunities in the places that you live.
Have we given up on the residents of Locust Grove?
We love the people of Locust Grove! While we have worshiped on Sundays in Locust Grove since 2009, our church has met in several cities in our 17 year history. Our church partners currently reside in more than 10 cities! We are confident that the Lord has placed us in those communities for a reason (Acts 17:26) and will continue to encourage leveraging relationships wherever you live for the sake of gospel ministry– in Locust Grove, Jackson, Forsyth and wherever else!
Will kids ministry look the same?
Kids Ministry will continue to look the same! We will continue to provide our children with a 3-year, systematic walk-thru of the Bible in a warm, age-appropriate environment on Sunday mornings. We are excited that the relocation will allow us to maximize children’s safety as classrooms will be positioned so public restrooms will not be through their ministry area. In addition to this, if costs allow, our 4th and 5th grade class will have a physical room to meet in monthly.
Will student ministry look the same?
Student Ministry will continue to meet according to its normal rhythms– weekly through the school year and bi-monthly in the summer. We will continue to combine with our McDonough congregation for special activities, camps, and retreats.
I’m not sure which congregation I would like to be a part of- how should I/we navigate that?
If you are having a difficult time deciding and geographically there is no clear answer, we would encourage you to pray and seek the counsel of your pastors and close friends. Whether you transition with the Locust Grove congregation to Jackson or make the transition to McDonough we know that it will come with risk and difficulties. We are confident that in either congregation you will find a people who are excited about being on mission to see everyone around us transformed by the gospel of Jesus!
I am new to Southpoint and/or would like to find out more about the plans for relocation?
We are aware that we can not over communicate this. To help, we are incorporating multiple avenues for getting the word out. Here is a list that may not be all inclusive: every Thursday we will provide an update via the email newsletter on relocation updates, we will keep this FAQ page updated with current information and church announcements.
What if I have a question that has not been answered here?
You can email Pastor Michael- michael@southpoint.org.